When Katie was in kindergarten, her hearing test came back with questionable results. Her 'low tones' lacked clarity, which I was informed could be a side effect of my illness during pregnancy with her. Throughout Katie's childhood, it was unnoticeable~to her and to those around her. She did seem to have more than the normal amount o ear infections, yet not enough to warrant ear tubes to prevent them. (
I should have INSISTED!!) In her later teenage years, I noticed she was saying "huh" quite often. She insisted she could hear just fine, just had not been 'listening.' My Mommy-radar told me otherwise though and off to the doc's we went. Once again, low tones lacking clarity, "don't be overly concerned." On Katie's 21st birthday, five days prior to her baby girl turning a year old, Katie was involved in a tragic, freak accident. A drunk driver crashed her car through the building Katie was in and debris hit my girl in the head, face, back and
ears. One month later we would learn this accident would leave my Katie legally deaf~
for the rest of her life. Two weeks later, Katie heard her own baby girl's voice
clearly, for the very first time. She sobbed. We sobbed....and prayed. Three sets of hearing aids later, my girl Katie continues to struggle. The drunk driver who injured my girl barely got a hand slap. Though she
was insured, her liability had already topped out due to previous claims. The owner of the building was not held liable. My Katie has faced this tragedy head on, absorbing all costs not covered by her own medical insurance. As luck would have it, this policy does not pay for hearing aids....
Being the single Mommy of two little girls has it's challenges, but Katie has always worked very hard to support her little family...on her own. Giving up her dream of becoming a RN was very difficult, but without being able to hear, the nursing programs would not accept her applications.
She loves her job at our local hospital, in the sleep lab where she is a
Polysomnographer. The pay is good, benefits nice and she loves the patients as they do her. BUT~ it appears as though her job is now in jeopardy, because of her hearing impairment. Even though the hospital was well aware of her situation and
disability (I can't call it that in her presence!) they are just recently treating her with very little respect. Just yesterday one of her co-workers made the remark~ "wow Katie, you really
are deaf, aren't you?!" Followed with laughter...LAUGHTER!! Another co-worker takes it upon himself to let Katie's patients know, "she is hard of hearing, so you have to
talk very loud." I
know there must be some discriminatory protection available for my sweet girl... Her hearing impairment does
not interfere with her work performance...
'Oh Lord, please hear this Mother's prayers...
may my girl Katie someday hear
the sweet sounds of nature...
her children's laughter...

in Your
MIRACLES, oh Lord...'
Well....my baby girl may be twenty-five years old, but
she's still my baby! I BELIEVE my Katie is an '
old soul.' When she was barely two years old, she would tell me about all the
Angels she had met in Heaven, especially her elderly lady friends. She spoke of 'bi-focal's, silver strands of thinning hair, holding and gently rocking the smallest Angels while singing lullaby's.' She often expressed how sad her Angel friends were when it was time for her to make her earthly apearance and how they hugged '
good-bye for now.' Though one would imagine these conversations being sad, they were anything but. My girl
glowed as she clearly spoke her truly emotional testimony. She frequently spoke about her visits to Jamaica and how she healed little children. At 15 years old, my sweet girl
did indeed visit Jamaica, during a missionary trip, even though she was three years below the qualified age to go. While there, on the very first day, she was bitten by a very poisonous spider which would normally include a fatal ending. BUT~this spider didn't know who he had bitten~and my girl didn't even tell me about it until she returned home from the mission! To this day, Katie and I have a
spiritual closeness which goes beyond our Mother/Daughter relationship. I thank my God
eternally for this gift He entrusted unto me. To think back on what
could have been, had I followed medical orders, words of loving family and friends.....let's just say I do not visit
there often.
This Momma will do whatever it takes,whatever I can, to help my children. We've looked into surgery...not eligible. Researched Cochlear Implants...not eligible. The only hope we were told could even remotely help would be continuing to use stronger hearing aids, until the day nothing worked. Continue the weekly ENT visits, when inner-ear infection is present, to have Katie's ear canals suctioned which is horribly painful. Prepare for complete and total deafness, learn sign language.....basically, it seems as though
they have given up all hope. HUH? No, no, no!! Have these medical/audio/rehab folks not heard of
Prayer?! Do they not understand, my Katie will
never give up? Her Momma will
never cease praying? Do they not know,
our God is not finished with my Katie, that He continues to have great plans for her? Do they not realize God follows through with prayer, creating
MIRACLE after MIRACLE, every single day?Silly people.....
Please....would you pray for my girl Katie....
and her precious little girls....
BELIEVE with me?
God continues to have great plans
for my Katie Marie...
He's going to surprise my girl someday...
Photo taken on St' Patrick's Day '09
while stopping by Mommy's work for
Irish Lovies...
Sadie (L) is now almost 5 months
Josie (R) will be 6 in September
Thank you so much, with all my heart!